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Starting Over

4 Nov

Every once in a while I like to clip off the claws and start new. Since I haven’t had a professional mani in a while I decided why not start over today? I did a massive cleaning today, so it only made sense. I was going back and forth with this gold polish from L’Oreal or this pale pink polish from Sally Hansen. I’m not exactly sure why I chose the L’Oreal polish but I did. It’s called “Because you’re worth it”. And it was. Color looks great- 2 thin coats does the job. Dried fast. No topcoat used (I was doing a quick polish, but frankly, top coat isn’t needed in my opinion). I usually pass by the L’Oreal polish section because I never knew if they were worth the price, but since I’ve tried this polish, I might need to take a second look.


Julep’s Oprah Box

15 Feb

My @julepmaven Oprah’s Favorite Things box FINALLY came!!! (2calls and a misroute later )
I’m so excited!!! I’m thinking I’ll wear the lavender one next week! #julepmaven #julep #nail #nailart #nailpolish #mani #beauty


My Maverick Manicure

25 Jan


Check it out!

Essie’s Trophy Wife

Garnet Week 2

8 Jan

This week I used Sinful Colors’ Under 18 (a nice semi metallic red with a coral undertone) as my accent nails. This color might be the closest one to garnet birthstone that I have in my collection. I love the color. Two thin coats are all I needed.

Now… Lets talk about this Kiss Nail Dress I used. I don’t like it. Maybe it’s because I’m a nail dress virgin or it’s cause I just don’t like it. Not really sure but either way, I’m not a huge fan.

I pride myself in neat manicures and this just turned out ugly. Not only was this far from perfect, but it wasn’t even 30mins before one of them messed up. Now I will try using the nail dress again and see if it was just beginners bad luck. We’ll see. But as of now I give this a 5.

Thanks Influenster for letting me try Kiss Nail Dress because this is the very reason is why I’ve been afraid to spend $6-$10 on something I was unsure of.

Photos below.






Influenster Holiday Box

5 Jan


I received my @Influenster Holiday Voxbox a few weeks ago and have only been able to use 1 item from it because of the holidays (I plan to incorporate all the items into my life ASAP). Anyway, I used the #quickbrush for @goodyhair and fell in love with it. I blow my hair out with a brush already, so when I saw the brush in the box, it was the first thing I grabbed. With no exaggeration, I blew out my whole head in about 5-7mins. To me, that’s unimaginable because I have a lot of (natural) hair. Needless to say I love this brush and will keep using it.

I recommend any girl to try this brush. It’s really great!



@Refinery29’s Holiday Pop-Up

16 Dec

The other day my BFF Jill Jess sent me a link to Refinery29’s 8 Free Indulges, 1 Holiday Pop-Up. She knew I’ve been wanting to get a psychic reading / tarot reading for the longest (I promise there’s a nail reference coming up) and saw there was a free reading listed. Needless to say, we went. We got to Refinery29 and immediately saw the card table. There was an over 1 hour wait, so we decided to look around. I must have a nail polish radar because the very next thing I saw was a nail polish station.

There was no1 in the seat (the person was late) so I started talking with the manicurist, Rachel. I showed her my manicure and she loved the glitter. We then decided to try crackle over the glitter. We both thought it was different and interested in seeing how it would turn out. It didn’t. It did not work at all. Saddened and determined to find something that worked, we tried a different brand and color. Shut down! We quickly realized crackle and glitter DON’T MIX!

Rachel was nice enough to add a different color glitter to my accent nails and threw a strip of black polish over the tips. It was cute and gave me yet ANOTHER idea! I might have to start writing them down lol.



My @Target #Beauty Bag

22 Oct


My @target #beauty bag today with lovely samples inside.

• Clear Scalp & Hair Therapy (shampoo and conditioner)
• Pixi Flawless Beauty Primer
• Jergens Daily Moisture
• L’Oréal EverCréme (shampoo, conditioner, & masque)
• Fekkai (shampoo & conditioner)

Most of these products are shampoo & conditioners so I’m not sure if I’ll be using them… I might try them on weeks I don’t cowash. We’ll see.